
John Turner’s fish casserole

This recipe does not taste like fish!


  • 1½ pound haddock or cod
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 teas salt
  • pinched chopped parsley
  • ÂĽ teas paprika
  • dash of Worcester sauce
  • ½ cup cooked celery, chopped fine
  • 6 large mushrooms, chopped and cooked
  • 2 sliced hard boiled eggs
  • ½ tbsp bread crumbs


Melt butter at medium heat. Blend in flour.

Gradually add milk, cook and stir until thick

Stir in salt, parsley, paprika, Worcester, celery, mushrooms and eggs

Arrange filets in casserole and pour on top

Mix bread crumbs and some butter

Sprinkle on the top

Bake 350°F for 30 minutes

John Tuner

John Tuner

John Tuner

John Tuner
